Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tham Lod- Pang Mapa

February 4-9th

Again on a quest for nature we headed west into the mountains of Pang Mapa Province to a town called Sopong and a cave called Tham Lod.  This famous cave has a river running through it, that can be navigated by bamboo raft.  The cave  has three main chambers, one with a cave painting, and one with a 2000 year old teak coffin, and all with great formations of flow stone and the like.  Again a local woman with a lantern showed us the sights, pointing out formations as we went...a lotus flower, an elephant, a Buddha, a breast (though she didn't say that one out loud she just nudged Ben and smiled).  At dusk we watched the swifts returning to the cave for the night... by the thousands.