Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 19

Chulie to Landruk via Gorepani

The morning was cloudy and rainy, with no view of the mountains in sight.  We hiked up to Gorepani, know for its spectacular mountain views, hoping the clouds would such luck.  We decided that we would head back down to the river and out of the mountains the way we came in.  The trail from Gorepani to Gandruk was all rhododendron jungle, very lush and fragrant.

  Gandruk is a large Gurung settlement with traditional stone houses and stone lined streets...and a long flight of stairs down to the river.  By the time we crossed the river it was raining steadily but we decided to push on, up the other side of the river and a few hundred more stairs, to the town of Landruk with flower filled gardens and nice warm showers!