Sunday, March 4, 2012


We took a tour of the area by tuk tuk, with a driver named 'Ya Ya'.  He took us to see the 'killing caves' as they are so blatantly named.  This region of Cambodia was part of the Khmer Rouge strong hold and during their actual reign the fields around this region were used as slave camps where the Khmer Rouge forced thousands of 'city folk' to the fields in forced labor, if they resisted they were bludgeoned and then thrown into the killing cave...
A shrine of human bones is now found at the base of the cave commemorating the deceased, along with a statue of a Buddha.  At the top of the limestone outcrop that houses the cave is a Wat and two 'large guns' that the Khmer Rouge used after they were ousted from Phnom Penh by the Viet Nameses

We then went on a drive through 'wine country' vinyard to be exact and then on to Prasat Banan, a temple built in the 11th century and thought to be the inspiration for Angkor Wat (though 1/8 the size)

Ben liked the small doors...
We also found a blue headed lizard and quiet a few monkeys

The last stop was the 'Golden Gate Bridge' of was blue...also 1/8th the size